Challenge of Arc "City of Arezzo"



Sunday, June 14 in the historic center of Arezzo.

Reenactment valid for the National Championship LAM / Archers in medieval costume will demonstrate their skills on targets inspired shot from hunting, war game - 14 June 2015

Countdown to the lighting of the spotlight on the "Challenge of Arc City of Arezzo" the traditional historical commemoration, organized by Archers of the Chimera, which will take place on June 14 next year and reaching the VIII edition consecutive. The event applies to the National Championship LAM , Intent to represent and distribute a part of the medieval history known mainly by enthusiasts in the industry and that the competitions that were organized by medieval archers to keep fit and demonstrate their skills to the cities and to the "powerful" that were "in the pay" and the revival, as close as possible both of the weapons of the medieval clothing, in particular in the period from the tenth century until the death of Frederick II of Swabia (1250).

"... On 29 January 1284, ordering a Vermillecto, merchant of Lucca, to write to its members in Arezzo to buy 300 arches" de cornu cum eorum cordis necessariis faretris, arcariis et sagittis' "(C. CARUCCI, Diplomatic Code Salernitana, Subiaco 1932, vol. II, p. 42)

The event will take place along a path that goes from Arezzo Cathedral and the Medici Fortress after the Cloister of the City Library. The archers in medieval costume will demonstrate their skills on targets inspired shot from hunting, war game.
