Icastica 2015
From 27 June to 27 September 2015, the old town of Arezzo is filled with contemporary art.
Icastic 2015 is the third edition of a cultural event that is international aesthetics, through art, entertainment, study days. Icastic 2015 focuses on the culture to grow in the wake of the concept of a title: "Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life" Expo Milano 2015; then we are confronted with the problem of human food and the Earth, through a moment of dialogue among the leaders of the international community on the major challenges facing humanity. It captures the urgency to describe the history of man and through the production of food, in its double meaning of setting some cultural and research of new technological applications. Cultivate the green spaces of the city center, for projects of urban agriculture ... in an attempt to highlight the contradictions of our world: on one hand there is still hungry people (about 870 million undernourished people in 2010-2012), on the other there are those who die from health problems related to poor nutrition and too much food (about 2.8 million deaths from diseases related to obesity or overweight). Moreover, every year, about 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted. For this reason, by means of certain political options are invoked conscious, sustainable lifestyles and, through the use of advanced technologies, chase unpublished balance between availability and consumption of resources.
In the wake of moves figurative 2015, because the Culture is the set of cultivated theoretical solutions and practices risolutorie. The etymology of culture and culture is common [from lat. culture, der. Colere 'cultivate'], and will not be inappropriate to consider some common problems and some ways to solve them. These pass through the lives of all, every day is how the food, taste, nutrition, sustainability are declined with different voices and different skills, to stimulate curiosity and the desire to know that always move the world. To spread awareness. Culture, like all the knowledge derived from experience material or intellectual, as reworked by learning concepts and converted into moral personality which becomes characterization, style, spirituality, awareness (of self, others, the world), so is always a complex - right of a space-time dimension, that is, of an environment. The complex of a complex, and then. Culture is the way of life; It is the way of the world. In anthropology, ethnology, sociology, is in fact the set of behavior patterns but also of tangible assets that characterize the life of a social group. Culture is now a conscious choice, to the adoption of a system, of a reality, a collective consciousness united in the face of social problems.
Art, as a dimension of experience, therefore the story, here it is called to symbolize what is around the "theme of the solution"; uses all that surrounds the awareness of a solution; It becomes all the object as catharsis, path sublimated in concrete matter and ordinary gesture, or in the back. The art is the result vertically, horizontally, across - that is, in the way historical, geographical, technical human activity: in terms of aesthetics of a device active and cultural, ranging from the food to the symbol, the trade newspaper hyperbole specialist until the "definition or redefinition of a reality."